John Force

John Force represents the definition of a winning funny car driver.  His countless wins and record achievements make it a privilege to have worked on recreating his vehicle(s) in 3D Graphics. This 3D Model was used to create an extremely large banner that is hung in the pits, as well as a 360 degree rotation displayed on TV's in the demo trailer.

Eric Medlen

The second car in the John Force lineup, Eric Medlen drives the black and green Syntec car.  Eric has since passed in a tragic auto accident while racing.

In Memory of Eric Medlen, 1973 - 2007
Always Remembered, Never Forgotten

John Force Race Team

Following the success of his television show, the John Force Race Team expanded to include several drivers, including John's daughters.  Ashley's car had to be created in 3D as well, as well as a newer version of the paint schemes that update yearly.

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